I worked at Cruise as an Operations Analyst managing teams of operators and designing high volume workflows to build the HD maps the autonomous fleet depends on. While at Cruise I was a key contributor to the redesign process of the mapping software.

This experience collaboratively designing a product for my team revealed the impact of thoughtful design and my passion to generate it. I’ve since completed the User Experience Design Program at General Assembly in SF.

I worked as a Designer and Design Lead on two products for Tech Fleet stakeholders. Tech Fleet is an organization that partners designers with clients and stakeholders in need of pro bono design.

I worked in Product Operations with UX and Engineering teams to improve the usability of Cartographer, their internal, web-based mapping system. This work inspired my pivot to design.

As a member of the UXD team I built out the UI for a health insurance comparison tool. As a Design Lead I worked with Strategy, Research and our stakeholder to add functionality to Kadena, a blockchain explorer.

I develop and manage marketing materials and lead the weekly sales and engineering meeting. I help align our material standards and address production issues and roadblocks.

As the Fabricator at Low I managed and optimized pre and post welding processes. I helped make beautifully finished, bespoke bicycle frames for our clients.


Products & case studies


Marketing materials for print


A health insurance comparison tool for the Nigerian market



A dash display designed to reduce driver distraction

Bart app

Unique way-finding iconography

case studies . quick designs . sketch pages . bio & contact . UX/UI by Michael Torres-Germack