Smart coffee cup app

A quick exploration for an app used to control a bluetooth smart cup. Simple temperature display and control settings in an uncluttered display. Sketches, rough and final designs.

Room temperature coffee anyone?

The problem is whether you’re drinking coffee, earl grey or matcha it’s never great when your drink gets cold.

A solution is a cup that has integrated, rechargeable, and custom heating settings. With bluetooth integration you can keep your latte exactly as hot as you want it.

There are a couple tradeoffs, including charging time and having to use your phone to control the cup. However these are overshadowed by the temperature control offered and the ability to reheat your drink.

A quick tap on your phone will turn on your cup and you can use one tap to select the exact profile to keep your flat white piping hot.

Development sketches and low fidelity prototypes below.

Sketches to low fidelity: Experimenting with composition and information hierarchy. In this process I discovered more real estate was needed for increased functionality and customization.

The iteration below uses a horizontal layout for the primary controls and information.

For this iteration I split the controls into quadrants. This allowed for a larger font and clearer visual separation of function.

A uniform use of dark grays shifts visual emphasis to the controls. A technical typeface adds a technical touch.